More and more of you are sending us emails to ask us questions or thank us for the information we post on our travel blog.
Sometimes you simply write to us because we have inspired and helped you to embark on a round-the-world adventure. Sometimes it is to ask us questions about the organization of your upcoming trip.
Anyway, KEEP GOING!!!!! We love to answer your questions and your messages of support always encourage us to share our adventures, tips and tricks with the same energy. So THANK YOU for everything and keep reading us.
Readers Testimonials
I would like to thank you for all the help you are giving me to prepare my round the world trip. Your blog is a huge source of useful information. Your good mood and joie de vivre are transmitted through your articles. And your photos are a real invitation to escape. A feeling of total freedom emanates from it.
I stumbled across your site last week and I love reading from you. A lot of things you say are exactly what I think in my head!!! So it feels good to read all this. So a big thank you for your book and for your free ebook it’s just great to feel your desire and to have your experience. It’s very reassuring, actually.
I wonder a lot about the process of traveling around the world, between buying tickets, or sleeping once on the spot, how to communicate, or exchange your money, or get your visa, or look for your tickets (bus, train etc…) or leave your big backpack when you visit…. by actually reading you it seems so simple that you just want to take the step…
I wanted to thank you because you have been a great help for my itinerary through Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia… Your advice has been much more effective than “le routard” and lonely planet combined.
I would like to thank you for your blog, your e-book and sharing all your experiences! It’s absolutely awesome and it’s amazing how much work it must have taken you to put all this together! 🙂 We leave with my boyfriend in October for a 15-month round the world trip and having been able to rely on a Swiss experience has been very useful for us! (especially for insurances, what a headache!!!)
Thank you again for this great article that reinforces us in the idea that despite the difficulties that will probably fall on us, a trip around the world is an incredible life experience.
Anais et Maxime
I just wanted to thank you for writing this e-book, because it helps me to see more clearly in this project to travel around the world, which I really intend to carry out! A big thank you!!!
By reading your articles, looking at your photos and even discovering the little misadventures you have known all along your trip, I had a huge click, it was obvious. I HAVE TO TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD…. I know it takes time and it takes a lot of effort and courage, but as they say, you only live once and you don’t know what tomorrow is all about! Anyway, thank you even if it was probably not wanted, but thanks to you I found my dream, the goal I have to reach!
You, you always manage to make us dream, to teach us more and more, and regularly. When you finish reading one of your articles, you know you won’t have to wait too long to see the next one arrive. And that’s really cool.
I really love this blog as much the way it is written as its content and your way of travelling, which is also mine. I am really happy that people are doing projects like your blog today to allow people to dream and also in our case to follow your travel tips for a future trip.
I would like to say a few words to thank you very much for your great and extremely complete blog! I’m going to Vietnam and Laos in August and September, all alone with my backpack and I was really happy to find so many clues and tips!
It has been a few weeks since I read and happily discover your Novo-monde travel blog. It is really a pleasure to read you and share with you all these emotions experienced when you travel to meet the Other. And moreover your site is particularly well built, attractive, with always relevant and sometimes more personal texts: it’s as if I was exchanging with my friends. Add to that your enthusiasm, the quality of the photos, the information. Etc, etc, etc, … I stop 😉
I read you religiously, and I really wish to say a big THANK YOU for all these beautiful sharings! You make us dream and make these trips accessible. It’s an honest, lively, warm, informative blog! In short, it’s all very good!
Just a big thank you for your blog which quickly confirmed my choice of insurance. Clear, simple and precise!
I am simply writing to thank you for your ebook and all the testimonials you give, it helps us a lot in our choices that are often close to yours… Congratulations again for all this work!
BRAVO for following your dream, and THANK YOU for sharing it and convincing us that with a valiant heart nothing is impossible!!
You are simply inspiring! I devoured your ebook, browsed your blog…. In short, I think I’ll plan my world tour with all this good advice in two years, the time for me to save and especially to organize myself (my weak point ahaha). I would like to tell you that it is just wonderful, generous and so well thought out to share your adventure from A to Z. I feel energized, I have a head full of dreams and the furious desire to make them come true… Congratulations and many thanks for this dose of positivism and inspiration
I wanted to send you a message because I think your blog is just great!!!! I have been following it since the beginning of your world tour in China and find your articles very informative, clear, concise with a hint of humour and superb photos. It is a great source of useful information on the organization and cost of a trip (only a few blogs dare to discuss this subject, which is very useful). I loved your article on the conclusion of a year traveling around the world. Your blog even made me want to create one.
I love following your adventures, your blog is by far the best I could find, both in terms of content and form! We are leaving on December 2nd for a 1 year round the world trip, and I hope to feel the same emotions that you are sharing with us… thank you!
We were very tempted by a long term trip with my girlfriend but also a little chilled by the difficulties of organization. Your blog and your ebook (which is really very well done!) convinced us that it was possible and that when we want we can!”
Through your articles, we feel all your joy of life and your willingness to share your adventures and thoughts: in addition to being very pleasant to read, it allows us to find ideas, answers, and to bring out all kinds of other questions that help the projects progress… Another huge thank you!
After reading your newsletter, I wanted to tell you once again BRAVO and THANK YOU for your blog! What is really great with you is that you are in the exchange, I sent you several emails and you always answered me super fast and with a lot of sincerity! Please stay as you are 🙂
And another thank you too, because you are full of energy, enthusiasm and dynamism and it is always a pleasure to read you!
your site is brilliant, very interesting, not narcissistic for a penny, lively and very accessible. Thank you very much for all the work that this must require. I love the way you led your journey. I go on a round the world trip in January with my boyfriend, for a duration (planned!) of one year. You are one of the great travellers who helped us to understand this trip, to prepare it… and who made us want to do it. Thank you very much!
We have been following you with great pleasure for some time. We are lucky to have a lot of time to walk around and we take full advantage of your good tips, which is why I wrote this email to you. We just returned from a week in Bali and we have been to Atres Villa. We wanted to thank you because we had a really unforgettable time there. So that’s it, thank you very much!
Lilie et Adrien
Hello Novo-Monde! First of all, congratulations on your blog, and especially THANK YOU for your ebook! My girlfriend and I (two Swiss) have taken the plunge: the tickets are purchased! The departure is scheduled for April 5, 2015. And it’s a little bit because of you!
Marie et Thomas
I just wanted to leave you a little note of encouragement and congratulations for your blog. I never get tired of reading you, your advice are precious, and the writing is fluid and pleasant. I hope to be able to follow your footsteps very soon and leave for a round the world trip too 🙂
Just a little message to wish you a good return home, a good continuation in your future projects, and a big thank you for sharing this adventure with us….
I must admit that I was sceptical about my wife’s idea of going on a 6-month trip, but once I came across your site 10 months ago, you literally convinced me…
So yes your good mood and enthusiasm that overflows from your site, blog, finally got the better of me and I thank you for all this… it is no less without a little pinch in the heart that I read your latest articles (for the moment I hope) but I wish you a lot of beautiful things a very beautiful wedding and a mega honeymoon as you know so well how to do it !!!
Geoffrey et Nathalie
In any case, on my side my project came true and here I am now in Peru and gone for another 8 months! In any case, your book helped me to prepare for this trip and I regularly read your blog to help me in my program. It is really a pleasure to read you and it is very well done! Thank you!!!
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