Are you planning to visit Switzerland by train? Then first thing: excellent decision! 🙂 Swiss trains are really a unique experience and a great way to see the country (much easier than renting a car for example if you want our...

Welcome on our page dedicated to travel budgets! Budgets and me are a long story... I don't know, since I was a little girl I've always liked numbers and so it's only natural that from our very first trips I scrupulously started to track all our daily expenses.
Personally, I always like to know roughly what to expect in terms of budget before leaving on a trip. And that's precisely why I decided to share all our numbers.Not everyone travels the same way, so it is often difficult to make averages. But by being 100% transparent with you on our numbers but also on the type of trip it should help you to situate yourself.... You are ready to travel rather "cheap"? Remove a few percentages from our averages... and if on the contrary you want more comfort, add a little "bonus comfort" margin to our budgets ;)
I have kept our travel budget in almost all our destinations and for the vast majority of them I have prepared country- or region-specific posts. On the map below you will find all the countries for which such articles exist.
Here is the map with the blog posts with all our travel budgets:
When we go on holiday we often tend to indulge ourselves (and that's all right), but when we left on a round-the-world trip I was still damn happy to have tracked down the our expenses.... If we don't keep an eye on the budget we can quickly find ourselves making a little extra 10€. So I'll stop you right now, an extra 10€ is obviously not a big deal, but on the scale of an 18-month trip, 10€ extra every day represents more than 5000€ extra at the end of the trip.
Anyway, do you see where I' m going with this? Keeping a budget is by no means turning into a gripsou that pays attention to every penny, but it is rather a way to keep control by accepting that some days "we blow up the budget" for an activity that is important to us or a good meal, but that we may compensate by other days "quieter" in terms of costs.
There are many ways to stay in line with your travel budget.... And I must admit that at this level we are full of contrasts! In reality we are real small geeks and we love using apps (and even coding some ourselves) but strangely for the budget I stayed very... classic let's say! :)
A pen & a little notebook always with me and every evening (or when I think about it) I write it all down in an excel sheet...
What does this excel sheet look like? It hasn't changed much since the beginning, I must say!
Here is a screenshot of my excel sheet "round-the-world trip"
As you can see I have created a tab for each country.... At the top I put our "theoretical budget" (here 21€ per day and per person for Vietnam) and the rough equivalent in the country's currency.
Then we find for each day the different expenses in local currency and then the total in local currency. I convert it then into euros according to the current rate and I make the difference with "our theoretical budget".
Note: at the time of our world tour I was not yet separating the restaurants from the shopping... But I actually find it more practical.... More details below!
When I keep my budget I told you I do this on Excel. In order to organize myself, I use the following categories in my daily routine:
The book is currently available in french and german but will soon be translated in english
While travelling it is often the rule: the faster you want to go, the more you spend! Direct flights are more expensive than flights with stopovers, direct tourist buses between 2 destinations are more expensive than local buses, going through an agency for a visa in 2 clicks is more expensive than queuing up at the embassy, etc.... There are many examples! Of course, sometimes it's nice to not "waste time" but don't forget that you're on holiday or even on a long trip: you have more than enough time!
It is not a scoop, but eating in the same places as the locals and especially the same products is infinitely cheaper than wanting to eat "like at home" at all costs. Going on a trip is also about opening your mind and mouth to new flavors!
Moreover, we sometimes hear that some people prefer to choose "Western" dishes, especially in Asia because they are afraid of being sick.... But believe me, statistically it's easier to get sick by eating non-local food! For example a pizza or pasta with cheese can be risky depending on where you are... Yes, cheese is not in local habits and therefore the sales flow is not necessarily very important... and the respect of the cold chain a little uncertain! In short, sticking to local products is good for the stomach, the environnement AND the wallet!
With Benoit we are not big fans of group excursions.... In general, we prefer to do it ourselves alone and independently, but there are still some visits where having a guide is mandatory / highly recommended. In these cases, we try as often as possible to form "our group" in advance with other travelers we had a good contact with and to go "together" to book our tour. The more people there are, the bigger the "negotiating power".
Walking is a great way to save money! When we visit a city it is not uncommon at all for us to walk more than 20km in a day! Avoid taking a bus, taxi or tuk-tuk for "short" trips (everyone will find their definition... but for us if a restaurant / museum / park is less than 5-7km from where we are, we usually choose to walk)
Of course it also works for long hikes ;)
This is especially true for long-distance or regular travelers, but it is really important too! Many "classic" banks tend to take a fairly high commission for withdrawals abroad (often between €3 and €8 per withdrawal). Knowing that in many countries there is a withdrawal limit at distributors you can quickly find yourself making many withdrawals... Each time you pay the commission! Over 2 weeks of holidays the impact is quite minimal but on a long trip it can quickly cost you!
There are now several solutions to this issue and you should definitely check out online banks like N26 to limit these high commission fees
It can be reassuring to know precisely where you are going to sleep, what you are going to do with your days, etc... But believe me: booking everything in advance is often MORE expensive. We do indeed know in advance how much we will spend, but the total amount is generally higher!
An example? The hotels! We often book accommodation online, but in some countries or if we know we have time, then we will always prefer to search directly on the spot. Many small guesthouses or hostels are not necessarily present on the internet or if they are, they quickly tend to increase the online price to limit the impact of commissions taken by the platforms.
Ok... this point I have to admit that it's not everyone's cup of tea (and I have to admit that I was not a big fan of camping a few years ago). But I swear to you that camping is an excellent way to spend less, but most importantly it allows you to spend the night in totally different places, where you don't really find hotels (in this case I obviously refer more to bivouac than to 5* campings ;) )
When travelling, fixed costs in the country can often be controlled quite easily, but to reach the total budget you must of course first arrive in the country... For faraway destinations, flying is often the first choice (even if cycling, train or buses are also a great idea).
But here I will focus on the plane because it is the most widely used and above all it is the one with the most variations in prices. To buy your flight the rule is generally to stay flexible on the dates, consider other departure cities close to your home or other destination cities (for example to go to Burma it is often much cheaper to take a flight to Bangkok and then to reach Burma by bus).
To find a cheap flight, on of the best website is still Skyscanner (we also like Kiwi a lot). You can see prices at different dates, include different departure/arrival airports but also add price alerts.
This last advice is more a summary of everything above, but really I promise you that it is our best advice! Stay open to change, accept the unknown and the unexpected, develop your curiosity and above all: relax! :)
On a trip there is often a lot going on... and promised, even the "bad surprises" often end up in good memories (or at worst in crispy anecdotes) ;)
Ah là là, to estimate your budget... The key to success, especially on the first few trips! Personally I was totally unable to imagine how much we would spend during our round-the-world trip before we left... Of course I had read on blogs that "on average" travelers spend about 1000€ per month, but how would we know if we were going to spend a similar amount?
To prepare your round the world trip you can of course take a look at our round the world trip budget. Our numbers should already help you to get a good idea of what you could spend.
But after that, THE reference in terms of budget is the planning tool a-contresens! Seriously, this site is just a GEM for future travelers. More than a site, it is in fact a planning tool that allows you to estimate your budget based on the figures entered by other travelers. We are big fans of this platform from the beginning (we had already used it in 2013 when we were preparing our round the world trip). 5 years later we still use it, we add all our budgets to the database and the founder of this site has even become a very good friend. :)
For a holiday I often find it a little easier... The shorter duration makes it easier to plan ahead and, it is also possible to adapt the destination in function of the budget "available". Then I would say that overall we tend to spend a little more when we are on holiday than when we are on a world tour. We have realized in the last few years that for us the difference was small, but still present. In short, if we go on holiday mode and not long-distance travel, we generally try to add 15%-20% of the budget to our predictions in order to offer ourselves more little extras (activities, visits or good restaurants).
Are you planning to visit Switzerland by train? Then first thing: excellent decision! 🙂 Swiss trains are really a unique experience and a great way to see the country (much easier than renting a car for example if you want our...
Switzerland is a very small country compared to its neighbors… However, it is probably also the country with the most trains. 🙂 Switzerland and trains are a love story, and if you decide to travel in Switzerland we can only...
What is the budget for a roadtrip in Switzerland? We give you our figures after 7 days between Oeschinen, Aletsch and the lake of the 4 cantons
10 weeks of road trip in Andalusia: it's time to take a look at our travel budget and to review of our adventure. Budget, itinerary and favorites: we tell you everything
Review of our 2 months roadtrip in Brittany during the fall of 2021. Itinerary ideas and budget for a van trip
This is a question that comes up VERY regularly on our blog and in e-mails: which Swiss bank should you turn to when you want to go travel around the world? When we set off on our round-the-world trip in 2013, we also asked...
Our opinion on Las Palmas and Gran Canaria from a digital nomad point of view. After a month living and working from a coworking space in the Canary Islands we give you our opinion and more details on the cost of living in the...
After 1 month of working and hiking in Bansko, Bulgaria, it's time for the Review! Our detailed budget, our feelings about the coworking and much more
Travelling independently and backpacking in Turkey is a wonderful adventure that we highly recommend. All our itinerary and budget advice in this new blog post
Cappadocia is a popular tourist destination in Turkey and it is easy to understand why. After 6 days there we share all our good tips
A detailed budget of our 10-day trip in the Lofoten Islands in Norway (+ all our tips and tricks to travel on a budget)
The Kungsleden is a hiking trail far from the civilization in Swedish Lapland that promises to bring us some wonderful adventures. Here is what we take with us in our backpacks for this trek
We spent 5 months travelling around France with our car. In this article we detail the budget associated with a road trip in France.
The Baltic countries are a wonderful and cheap destination in Europe. We give you here our travel budget and our tips to easily organize your itinerary
How much budget for a trip to Tallinn? all our figures to help you plan + lots of information about the city to save on transport and accommodation.
We spent a little over 5 weeks on the island of Menorca in the Balearic Islands. Here is our assessment, all the practical information and our budget
How much did we spend during our Via Alpina? We tell you everything about the budget to plan to cross Switzerland on foot
Here is the review of our 5 months spent in Chiang Mai in digital nomads mode. We tell you everything about the budget and our feeling after this experience in northern Thailand!
All our figures to help you prepare your budget and itinerary in Myanmar. Burma is definitively a perfect country for backpackers
Here is our practical guide for the Mae Hong Son loop by scooter: budget, rental, duration... Get ready for this road trip in the north of Thailand!
escapade to the Bospohore, we went to discover Istanbul in winter! Baklava tasting, visit of mosques and the great palace.
We show you our things to see and do in Vilnius Lithuania, a little known European capital but which has a lot to offer!
Getaway to the surroundings of Tbilisi to discover UNESCO World Heritage sites and Stalin's hometown, Gori and the Jvari Monastery
1 month in Bolivia went by too fast! It's time for us to take a look back, and we'll tell you everything you need to know about the budget you'll need to travel to Bolivia.
We spent 5 weeks backpacking through Peru. As usual, we share our figures with you to help you budget for your stay!
Spanish courses, accommodation, transport, food and everything you need to know about the travel costs and the budget for backpacking in Ecuador!
Travelling to Easter Island doesn't have to mean breaking the bank! Here are our travel tips for visiting Rapa Nui on a budget.
1 month travelling from Lombok to Java passing by the Gilis and Bali: how much did we spend? Find our detailed numbers about this backpacking trip.
After 5 weeks in Laos, it's time to review. We open our accounts and list our favorites to help you plan your trip to the million smiles land.
After an intense 7 weeks trip through Vietnam, it's time to break down our budget to help you prepare for your next adventure!
After 1 month in Cambodia, we detail all our figures to help you prepare your travel budget for a stay in Cambodia, but we also give you our review of this trip.
After 2 months in China we reveal you our conclusions about the destination and budget / Our impressions but also the price of our trip to China.
When you go on a round-the-world trip, you must know how much it will cost! We break down our travel budget and tell you everything about saving money to travel!