Do you want to leave everything behind and go on an adventure? But something is holding you back?! It's quite normal, you can't leave everything and travel around the world just like that, from one day to the next. When we left,...

Leaving to travel around the world was simply the best decision of our lives! Since that one day in 2012 when we decided around a bottle of wine to travel around the world, our lives have been completely disrupted.
We travelled full-time for 19 months from China to South America via Southeast Asia, we made dozens of encounters, discovered places that will remain engraved in our memories, got to know other cultures, other languages... We first traveled at full speed, then slowed down to just take the time... the time to talk, to meet, the time that we often lack in our daily lives.
Then we returned to Switzerland, we found good jobs in Zurich... it was the end of a beautiful enchanted break. Except that here we were, we had a first taste for travel, freedom and the infinite flexibility that a round the world trip provides... and 18 months later, what was supposed to happen happened! We resigned again to reopen the parenthesis for good this time. Since then we have taken our work with us in our backpacks and exchanged our pretty Swiss apartment for a way of life that suits us better: the digital nomad lifestyle.
Since 2012, we have written and shared many blog posts with you about traveling around the world or long-distance travel. On this page, we've tried to put all this in order to help you find your way through all these years of blogging. We hope you will find a lot of useful information but also inspiration that may help you to take your turn in the adventure of a round the world trip.
Believe us, you won't regret it!
First of all, we would like to start by introducing you to 2 resources that we have created and in which we have put a lot of energy and heart. We hope this will inspire you and help you embark on the adventure of a round-the-world trip.
There is sometimes some confusion about our e-book because you can either read it online on our website or download it in pdf format. But in both cases, the content is almost the same :).
We started writing this e-book when we were preparing our world tour. At that time, we spent a lot of time reading different blogs/forums to gather information and prepare our trip. And frankly, we would have dreamed of having a document that explains to us simply and step by step what it takes to prepare a round-the-world trip. So we thought we were going to write it ourselves and a few months later, it was there. And since then, more than 10,000 travelers have downloaded it (the pdf version) and we hope that it will still help many future backpackers. You can read it by simply clicking on the link below (you will also be able to download its pdf version)
a small preview:
Read the chapter 1 of our ebook
Even if we had always dreamed of writing and publishing a book (especially Fabienne), we never thought that this dream would come true one day! And yet... It just took a bit of luck, meeting the right person (Hadi the founder of the Helvetiq publishing house) and a lot of work to make this project a reality.
And in April 2017, Destination Tour du Monde was born! This book has our hearts set on it and is for anyone who dreams of travel and adventure (or their families to reassure them;)). You will of course find plenty of information to prepare your trip but also reflections on the questions you ask yourself before leaving, tips once on the road, lots of anecdotes, interviews with other travellers around the world... all magnificently illustrated by our friend the talented Florian from Helvetiq.
We simply tried to create the book we would have liked to have before our world tour and we hope that it will inspire many future travellers. If you want more information, you can take a look at the book page. Otherwise, you can simply buy it directly on our publisher's website or on Amazon (or in more than 500 bookshops in Switzerland and France)
There are certainly as many reasons to go on a world tour as there are world travelers;) and if you are reading these lines, it is because you may already have yours. But if we had to choose a few of them, we'd tell you:
Moreover, in chapter 1 of our e-book, we review all the reasons that drive people to travel around the world... but also all those things that prevent them from taking the step and how to overcome them.
And if it's not enough yet ;) take 50 minutes of your time to watch the magnificent documentary Génération Tour du Monde (Round the world trip generation with English subtitles) by our friends les coflocs... I promise you that after watching you'll have only one desire: to leave for the adventure of your life ;)
Now that you have made the decision to go on a round the world trip and have set yourself a departure date (promised it is the most difficult stage of the preparations;)), all you have to do is "prepare" your trip around the world:)
To be honest we loved this period of travel preparations. We spent our time reading travel blogs, sharing our desires for destinations and things to do around a bottle of wine... it was a very exciting time when we breathed, dreamed, ate travel!
So certainly there are less fun aspects to the preparations for a round the world trip (I'm thinking in particular of vaccines;), insurance, bank fees etc....), but don't worry, we're here to help you! Many articles have been written on all the important steps in preparing for a long-distance trip, which are listed below:) #Enjoy
That's probably THE question you're asking yourself:
How much does a round-the-world trip cost, by the way?
So, unfortunately, there are probably as many answers to this question as there are world travellers... the budget for such a trip will depend on many factors such as your travel style, the destinations you want to visit, activities, accommodations, airline tickets, visas and so on! But don't worry, we've devoted a complete folder to the budget question for a round-the-world trip and after reading it, you'll probably have a much more precise idea of how much the trip of your life will cost (don't worry, you don't need to be a millionaire to go around the world)
Read our chapter about the budget for a round the world trip
And if you are looking for more specific information about travelling to a particular country, you will find on this page all our travel budget articles in most of the countries we visited.
Ahhhhhhhh!!! The preparation of the itinerary for our round world tour.... we remember this period with a lot of nostalgia, those evenings spent adding pins to our world map, dreaming, debating, making compromises and starting to sketch out our travel project. Good memories (and a couple arguments of course). ;)
But even if it's rather fun to prepare a round-the-world itinerary, it doesn't mean that there are not some constraints to take into account (we think in particular of the climate, the budget, visas, security...). We have prepared a big article for you where we give you all the factors to take into account as well as our personal method to prepare the itinerary of our trip.
Read more about how to plan your itinerary
And if you're wondering what our travel itinerary was, here it is below. This itinerary was created thanks to the great travel planner made by our friend Nico (which you'll certainly use a lot to prepare the itinerary for your round the world trip).
Unless you are going around the world on foot, by bike or by sailboat, there is a good chance that you will use the plane at some point during your round-the-world trip. And precisely, round-the-world airline tickets is a subject that divides world travellers a little bit. There are indeed 2 ways to do this:
Obviously, each method has its advantages and disadvantages (it would be too easy if not ;) ). But as we are very nice, we have devoted an entire chapter to this topic in our ebook on the preparations for a round the world trip here:
Read the Chapter about round the world tickets
Be careful: this part is for all phobics and the ones who don't like injections! ;) Ohhhh yes, depending on the countries you plan to visit during your round the world trip, you may well have to get through the vaccines :). So what are the vaccines for a round-the-world trip? How much does it cost to get vaccinated? You will find all the answers to these questions in the following article:
Vaccines for a round the world trip
We know that the subject of travel insurance is a very boring one and that you probably don't want to think about it while you are preparing for the adventure of your life. However, in our opinion, it is simply unconscious to leave for a round-the-world trip without being insured for some important things (we think mainly of medical expenses, repatriation and civil liability).
As the subject is quite complicated, we have prepared several resources that should help you to understand everything about travel insurance for a round the world trip and especially to choose the right insurance for your trip:
You would rather spend your money on travel than give it to your bank, we agree! However, the problem is that many major banks are very happy with the withdrawal fees abroad (yes, even in 2019!!!!).
In Europe we use a lot online Banks when we travel. N26 is one of the market leaders and it will soon be available in the US as well! Get to know more about N26 in our blog post
After several years of traveling around the world, we now need only 1-2 hours to prepare our backpacks.
It must be said that it is a tricky exercise to choose your equipment for a round the world trip. On the one hand, we want to have the gear to face all types of conditions and situations, but on the other hand we are limited by the weight we can carry on our back. So we devoted an entire chapter of our ebook to the essential equipment for a round the world trip. We listed everything we took on the trip (backpack, clothes, equipment, electronics) and commented each time on our opinion of each object after returning from the trip.
Read the chapter about our backpacking gear
So we agree on this one: you still have to think about a lot of things when you prepare a round the world trip.... and frankly for some people it can be quite impressive or even discouraging. But don't panic, with a little organization and thinking about the right things at the right time, we guarantee that it's not that complicated:). The best thing is to make a small planning of the things to do to prepare the trip by starting about 1 year before the planned date. And as we are very nice, we have created for you the ideal planning of the preparations for a round the world trip in the form of a checklist starting one year before the departure until the D-day.
When you leave for a round the world trip, you usually want to take a few pictures to keep memories of the trip, decorate your apartment on the way back or make your loved ones jealous during the adventure (or after returning) :) . As a result, the question of choosing the right camera for travel often arises before the take off.
Contrary to what you will often read online, there is no such thing as the "best camera to travel" ! The ideal camera for your world tour will depend largely on your expectations. Maybe your priority is to have a small (light) and discreet camera... but maybe you also want to take portraits, or maybe pretty night pictures or maybe even video. And so the ideal device will clearly change depending on what you are looking to do during your trip.
Since Ben is totally passionate about photography and also because we receive a lot of questions about it, we wrote a big article to explain all the important criteria to know before choosing a camera. So we really recommend you to read it before you make your camera choice for your round the world trip.
But let's face it, if you go on a long trip, you will certainly find yourself choosing between 3 types of cameras:
So here I'll get right to the point and tell you only about the applications that you're really going to use a lot during your round the world trip (but who knows if we'll write a more complete article on the subject) This application has become a must have for travellers and frankly it would have saved us a few misadventures if it had existed at the time of our world tour (yes we are oldies... did not yet exist during our trip;) ). is in our opinion the best offline map application (it works even without an internet connection). The maps are very detailed (they are based on Open Street Map) and you have the possibility to draw routes, use it in navigation mode (for the car), add points of interest, use it for hiking etc.... In addition you will find a lot of information added by travellers such as restaurants, hotels, points of interest etc.... The must of the must we tell you!
Here you are! You just left and you are finally on your way to the world #yeaahhhhh! But as you will see, travelling around the world is not always easy ;). You will have to find accommodation during your trip, be on the move (almost) constantly, feed yourself, do your laundry, do your visas along the way, find activities and places to visit etc.... #SuchAHardLife :)
So to make your life easier during your round the world trip, we have decided to list below all the tools / sites / services that we find useful and that have made our life easier during all our travels (round the world trip and after). Because it must be said that the purpose of such a trip is not to spend all your time organizing and looking for information... the goal is simply to get the most out of this unique experience.
Accommodation is probably THE great concern for people who have never really travelled long distances before and it is easy to understand why! I mean... when you are used to booking all your accomodation in advance for your 2-week holiday it may seem strange to leave 1 year without booking anything in advance;) .
By the way, if it makes you feel any better, we were also afraid to sleep a few nights under bridges or in the street before going on a world tour (and guess what... it never happened ;)).
There are different options for your stay while travelling:
The most traditional way to spend a night while travelling around the world is simply to pay for your accommodation and this is what we have done most of the time. In some countries, we didn't even bother to book in advance (as in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia...). Why? because it's just suuuuper easy to find a room on the spot, plus not having a booking allows you to compare the options and find a better price (a concept that does not exist in Europe for example;)). In other countries (such as China, or South America) we usually booked in advance. When we book in advance we usually do it 1 or 2 days in advance and we use the following apps:
So that was also a great novelty for when leaving for our world tour.... Couchsurfing is a website that connects travellers who are looking for accommodation with local people who agree to provide them with free accommodation (in a room or on their sofa). The idea is to share a moment with the hosts over a meal, to meet new people, to discuss everyone and nothing (so don't do couchsurfing if you don't want to socialize a minimum;) )
We started by welcoming travellers into our apartment when we lived in Vienna (to test the concept as hosts and get some reviews on the site) and then we surfed some sofas in China, Ecuador or Finland and we always had very good experiences. It's really a great way to meet new people, to exchange, to learn more about a place by talking to someone who lives there and we really recommend you to try it.
And for those who travel by bike, there is also the website called Warmshower which works as couchsurfing but for cyclists.
We have never done it personally because you have to own an apartment or a house but we know several travellers who have tested the concept (the best known site for this is HomeExchange). It is a very good way when you are a homeowner to discover a new place at a lower cost with all the comfort of a house.
For example, during our world tour we translated a website for a Lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon in exchange for a week's accommodation (as this lodge was clearly not in our budget range at the time, it was a win-win situation). So even if this were done spontaneously, there are also many websites that could help you find these kinds of arrangements:
Often with cheap flights or round-the-world tickets, you will find yourself having to fly super early in the morning or transiting for 14 hours in an airport. We when we find ourselves in these kinds of situations (still now) well we don't hesitate for a second and we sleep at the airport;) (this can save some money, plus let's face it, most of the time airport hotels are quite crappy or totally overpriced.)).
During our 7 years of travel we spent more than 15 nights in different airports around the world. In order to help you prepare for your first night in an airport, we've prepared a detailed blog post with all our best tips and tricks to spend a good night of sleep.
We rarely spent the night in official camp site during our round the world trip (if I remember correctly only on Easter Island and in a few places in South America) but on the other hand we did a lot of camping / bivouacs during the hikes over several days that we did around the world.
These itinerant adventures remain among our best travel memories and you are really encouraged to embark on this kind of adventure during your round the world trip (and if you are not really convinced yet or do not know where to start to embark on this kind of adventure, read this article). To inspire you here are some examples of treks / adventures we did during our world tour:
There are quite a few different ways to travel between two places during a round the world trip and I think we can say that we have tested a good part of it. Here is a small non-exhaustive list to give you some ideas;)
Until now we've always been very lucky on our travels and nothing serious has happened to us yet (no robberies or assaults nor serious injuries). However, we must admit that we had some fears before our world tour about some South American destinations that have a "bad reputation" (thanks to the media;)). But we quickly realized that by being a little careful and applying certain rules, we could greatly reduce the risk of problems when traveling. If you want more information on this subject, we invite you to read our articles about safety in South America and the risks associated with travels.
We told you a little above how to avoid bank fees around the world (by choosing the right bank before leaving) but we didn't really explain how we managed our money while travelling. Well, there's nothing really wicked about it;)
Probably the thing you will do most often during your world tour and which will often be a source of pleasure, new flavours but sometimes also of some suffering ;) Eat!
Befor leaving read a lot of advice on cleanliness, water, precautions to take to avoid getting sick... but once we were on the way, we forgot a little bit about it and ate what we had on hand ;) . We tried to be open-minded to taste as much as possible without letting ourselves be discouraged by our cultural habits. The only thing we've been paying attention to is always going to eat if possible in places where there are people. Because if there are people, there is a flow of food, which is generally a good sign for the freshness of the food.
Obviously we also got sick once or twice... but it's part of the trip and I doubt that even with a lot of care you can avoid all potential stomach disorders during your whole round the world trip;)
Obtaining visas during a round-the-world trip will sometimes be a bit constraining, but overall we advise you not to worry too much about that because in most cases, you will be able to do them quietly during your trip when you arrive in the country. But here are some things you will need to think about when it comes to visas during the trip:
For all these different cases, the solution is to subscribe to a VPN for your trip. If you want more details on this subject and why a VPN solves all these problems, I recommend you to read this article. Otherwise you can subscribe to Express VPN (which we also use and pay for) which is one of the few VPNs that still works correctly in China for example.
You will have probably noticed it but we have become hiking addicts :) (be it for one day or over more days with our tent)... and guess when we caught the virus??? During our round the world trip, of course ;)
To be honest, hiking is something that you'll do almost naturally during a long-distance trip. We automatically walk a lot when we visit new places every day. So why not take it to the next level by doing trekking - multi-day hikes (and don't think it's so difficult... you don't have to be an extreme adventurer to go hiking for several days).
Furthermore, walking allows you to discover a place gently and freely and very often far from the crowds. And since during a round the world trip you have time to embark on this kind of adventure, it would be silly not to give it a try :)
But we realize that starting the first time on a hike of several days with all your stuff on your back can be a little scary. So we have prepared a complete article on how to prepare an autonomous trek during your round the world trip. Otherwise you can also take a look at our gear when we hiked across Switzerland... it's very similar.
And if it's the bivouac that frightens you, we have also written a super complete guide about everything you need to know to leave for a bivouac adventure (equipment, respect for nature, advice etc...).
After traveling 9 months through China and Southeast Asia, we were tired of not being able to talk to the locals (or only in English with people who wanted to try to sell us stuff;) ). So once we arrived on the South American continent, we decided to take the time to learn a little Spanish in order to have more contact with the locals. This decision was certainly one of the best of our round the world trip and changed a lot of things for the rest of our trip.
There are 2 ways to learn a language during a round the world trip:
You will see that once you can speak a little bit of the language of the country in which you are travelling, the experience will be completely different.
Working around the world can also be a great way to finance or extend your trip. For example, many travellers take advantage of the fact that you can earn a lot of money in Australia to fill the bank account between Asia and South America. But of course with digitalization there is a growing list of jobs that allow you to travel while working a little. And as we are nice, we have prepared a small non-exhaustive list of jobs that allow you to travel right here.
We left for our trip full of good intentions with our multifunctional soap that could clean us as much as our clothes. So we certainly used this soap, but only once on our clothes ;). The thing is that there are so many cleaning services or washing machines available in the Guesthouse that we did our laundry by hand only once in the whole trip!
Obviously maybe you will have more courage than us but as far as we are concerned, we didn't last long with the laundry in hand and we chose the 100% lazy option;)
You have followed our advice above and found the right camera for you, here are some very simple tips to improve the quality of your photos based on our experience:
You have certainly already heard it or read it on the internet:
Going around the world is easy but it's coming home that is difficult!
And yet I swear to you that for us the return was not that difficult. It's all a question of state of mind! If you can keep the positive momentum you had while traveling, if you come back with lots of new projects and objectives, we are sure that the return from such a trip can be very well experienced.
Do you want to leave everything behind and go on an adventure? But something is holding you back?! It's quite normal, you can't leave everything and travel around the world just like that, from one day to the next. When we left,...
We asked some questions to Émilie and Taylor, a couple of backpackers who left for a round the world trip in the middle of the Covid pandemic
Trail running shoes are very versatile and are perfect for hiking and traveling. Here is our comparison table of all our favorite models
After 30 months of traveling around the world, Van and Fab decided to lock down in Malaysia instead of returning home to Switzerland.
The Neon application has been a hot topic in the Swiss banking world in recent months. Intrigued, we have created an account for ourselves and in this article we'd like to introduce you to this application. We had already written...
This is a question that comes up VERY regularly on our blog and in e-mails: which Swiss bank should you turn to when you want to go travel around the world? When we set off on our round-the-world trip in 2013, we also asked...
Cécile and Quentin were still travelling around the world when the Coronavirus happened... we asked them some questions about their experience
In this interview, Lao tells us about her experience of travelling around the world. A journey she had dreamed of for a long time and that transformed her
In this article, Julia and Fabien, 2 backpackers who traveled for 1 year between 2017 and 2018, answer our questions about the journey of their lives
If you are reading this, it is because you have decided to buy a travel insurance for your round-the-world trip (or travel on a long period of time) and it is a great idea (if you are not sure you need travel insurance, read our...
Planning a round-the-world trip (or long-distance trip) is not necessarily a small task! It can even be scary at first! You certainly ask yourself tons of questions like: Does this sound familiar to you? We reassure you right...
Among the multitude of cameras available today (compact, hybrid, DSLR or bridge), how to choose the camera gear that is right for you? This question, which may seem quite simple on the surface, is in fact rather complex because...
When we are on the move and more precisely when we make longer trips and fly there is a habit we have developed that allows us to make some nice savings: we sleep in airports. We already told you about it in our budget articles...
On this page, we are going to tell you more about ACS Insurance, a travel and expat insurance specialist. They have the reputation of being the cheapest long term travel insurance for backpackers and long term travelers with their...
On this page we will review and tell you more about AVI international, an insurance company that is well known in France since one of their coverage is called the Routard insurance (born from a collaboration with the famous guides...
In the previous chapter, we discussed the ideal equipment and clothing for a round-the-world trip. Now let's talk about something a little more serious, which we often don't think about until we're actually there. After announcing...
Your round-the-world trip or long journey is starting to take shape? That's excellent news! However, there's still a topic we haven't discussed yet, and it shouldn't be overlooked: health while traveling! Even though you're...
Here we're going to talk about the travel insurance that is considered the most popular among French-speaking backpackers and long term travelers: Chapka Insurance. If you plan to go on a long journey or a round the world trip,...
If you've made it this far and have read all the previous chapters of the e-book, you now know all the important things to prepare for your world tour and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. In this final chapter, we’ve...
Planning a trip around the world itinerary is no mean feat… To tell the truth, we'd spent quite a few evenings discussing, researching, imagining, compromising, and uncorking a little bottle to keep us going… It has...
We regularly receive emails to ask us questions about the sites we use to prepare our trips, our equipment or if we have recommendations for useful mobile apps to travel. On this Resources page (that we will try to keep up to...
On this page, you will find a selection of our travel pictures. From our first images that date back to before our round the world trip to our more recent shots, there has been nice evolution 🙂 . And if you want to see our most...
instructions for preparing an autonomous hike during a round the world trip: tips to take and tips to lighten your bag when going trekking
I had read a lot of articles before leaving about the tiredness that sets in during a long trip, or in other words, "the traveller's blues". We usually read backpackers' experiences who say they started their journey euphorically...
3 months after the beginning of our world trip, it's time to take a break in this adventure. Let's go to Koh Chang in Thailand for a relaxing vacation!
Pack only what you need for your round-the-world trip! We take inventory of our backpacks to help you pack the gea you need for your trip!
Choosing a backpacker travel insurance for a round the world trip is an IMPORTANT step of the preparation! But we will help you see things more clearly through the insurance jargon
When you go on a round-the-world trip, you must know how much it will cost! We break down our travel budget and tell you everything about saving money to travel!
If you go on a trip and open your laptop to give news to your beloved ones via Facebook or just to check your emails, you may have a dull surprise depending on the country you are in: CENSORSHIP. For example, China and its famous...
Choosing plane tickets for a trip around the world is not easy. Alliances, agencies or buying plane tickets one by one? We explain everything to you in this article!
In this article, we take a look at all the vaccines you need to backpack around the world with peace of mind!